I arrived a bit late to catch countryman Fionn Regan (luckily have tickets to the solo show) but I was surprised to be in the Palais for the first time ever. this is a beautiful majestic old style theatre space and I figured it would be a great place for a gig, but really it probably is more suited for theatre. being confined to my chair got a bit much and I wished for the crush and huddle of the crowd where we could sway and get lost in the music together.
at any rate, such issues were soon forgotten - from the moment damien stepped out he held us all in the palm of his hand. almost everything I wanted to hear was offered up as he played long into the night. clearly he was having fun up there and unlike some gigs I was more than willing to let him go off into some crazy long vocal wandering or guitar riffs cause it was just so damn good. adding to the friendly 'lounge room' feel of things he just wouldn't stop talking - seeming to want to spend hours just talking about songs and whatever shit was going through his head. (I love that stuff, but still everyone else seems to want to come 'just for the songs' so were pushing him to get on with things.)
again everyone revelling in the music and enjoying the last minutes of beauty......