I almost have nothing to say about this....I need to let the disappointment pass a bit.
for now I'm just bored, bored, bored......ughh
update 19 June
Ok I've calmed down now.....so allow me to explain a little. I love Ryan Adams. I think he's an awesome songwriter and have continued to be one of his staunchest supporters along with every release (apart from Rock & Roll of course) It just doesn't sound like he was trying here with Easy Tiger. It's not about the return to a more country sound - I couldn't be a bigger fan of that - in this case it just feels a little too slick, too formulaic.... too uninspired. It sounds more like a second rate impression of Ryan Adams than Ryan himself.....I've been listening to (and enjoying) Mrs Lovely for years now for example and yet I'm none too happy about it being repackaged and rereleased here as These Girls. The whole thing just doesn't really resonate. Nothing feels that new, there's nothing to excite, none of his regular innovation....
Don't get me wrong, Ryan at his worst is probably still better than most, I just expected (ok selfishly wanted) much more.
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