Regretfully I missed this amazing talent when she and drummer Jim White were touring in Australia, but I hope she can return soon because I am completely besotted. From the first sweet, clear notes of I've Been Out Walking to the final deliberate message of I Come After You Nina holds you in a spell of gentle strength. There is an undertone of sadness, or resignation, of no longer believing the fairy tales, but of moving on steadfastly and resolutely despite this. The line in Our Discussion when she sings "I don't believe in the power of love, I don't believe in the wisdom of stone...." speaks volumes of the whole mood of this record. This, to me, is not an album of dreams, but of reality and coming to terms with the changes that reality involves.
Beautifully expressive, honest and intimate, this is an album full of meaning....whatever that may be for you. Musically it is quite sparse showcasing simply Nina's lyrics along with Jim's drumming. However, everything sounds so very deliberate and crafted that it achieves a real depth and impressive impact. Sometimes murmur quiet and whispery, sometimes loud and fraught with frantic drumming, it takes you through many journeys of emotion and feeling, despite the album's short length of only 33 minutes.
Listen to
Our Discussion.mp3
Late at Night.mp3
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